Saturday, 27 July, 2024
20October 1939

Norwegians refuse refuge for American ship captured by Germans

The City of Flint, an American cargo ship captured by the Germans, was today refused entry into the Norwegian port of Tromsø.

The SS City of Flint was captured by the crew of the German battleship Deutschland on 9 October 1939. The German warship left a ‘prize crew’ aboard the ship, with orders to sail it to Tromsø to obtain drinking water. To avoid the suspicions of British warships in the area, the crew hung the Danish flag off the stern and renamed the ship Alf.

When the ship arrived in Tromsø, the Norwegians were immediately suspicious. The authorities ordered the ship to leave within 24 hours. The next day, 21 October 1939, the City of Flint was escorted out of Norwegian waters by HNoMS Sleipner.

The German prize crew now intend to sail the City of Flint to Murmansk in the Soviet Union.

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