Saturday, 27 July, 2024
13October 1939

American aviator Charles Lindbergh argues for US isolationism

Famous American aviator Charles Lindberg made radio address to the US population today arguing that the United States should remain neutral in the war.

Lindbergh said Canada should pull out of supporting the United Kingdom, and it should instead join the United States in being neutral in the conflict. He did, however, describe in what circumstances he felt the US and Canada should fight in the war.

If [Canada] is ever attacked, our navy will be defending their seas, our soldiers will fight on their battlefields, our fliers will die in their skies. But have they the right to draw this hemisphere into a European war simply because they prefer the Crown of England to American independence?

Charles Lindbergh, speaking on 13th October 1939.

Lindbergh was famous for making the first nonstop flight from New York City to Paris, a distance of 3,600 miles (5,800 km), flying alone for 33.5 hours in 1927. He was given numerous awards in his lifetime, along with being named Time’s first Man of the Year in 1928. He gained even more (unwanted) fame after his infant son was kidnapped in 1932. The press interest from the kidnapping eventually force him and his family to move to Europe until 1939. In the years leading up to World War Two, Lindbergh became more vocal on his views of American isolationism. Suggestions he was sympathetic to the Nazis wasn’t helped when he visited Germany to receive a medal from Hermann Göring.

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