Saturday, 27 July, 2024
23October 1939

Survey finds US public support Britain but reluctant to join war

A survey conducted in the United States of America has found general support for the fight against the Nazis, but a desire to stay out of the war.

The results show support for Britain and France in the war along with a confidence the two nations will defeat Germany. There is a keenness to support Britain and France, but a strong desire not to get drawn into the conflict.

The survey, conducted by Gallup1, asked a series of questions:

Which side do you want to see win the war?

84% chose the allies, 2% chose the Germans, and 14% were neutral or didn’t have an opinion.

What should be the policy of the United States in the present European war — Should we declare war on Germany and send our army and navy abroad to fight or should we not send our armed forces over’ seas?

5% said America should fight, 95% said America should not fight.

Do you think the United States should do everything possible to help England and France win the war, except go to war ourselves?

62% said yes, 38% said no.

Do you think Congress should make changes in the Neutrality Law so that England and France or any other nation can buy war supplies, including arms and airplanes, in the United States?

60% said yes, 40% said no.

Do you think the United States should do everything possible to help England and France win the war, even at the risk of getting into the war ourselves?

34% said yes, 66% said no.

  1. Gallup survey results ↩︎
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