Saturday, 27 July, 2024
07September 1939

Polish garrison surrenders after seven day siege

The Battle of Westerplatte has ended with the surrender of the Polish garrison.

Despite expectations the garrison would fall within a few hours of the initial German invasion, it actually held out for a week. The garrison endured thirteen attacks by the Germans, including dive bombing attacks and shelling from naval vessels.

The garrison is located in the Free City of Danzig, a self-governing part of Poland that contains mostly German citizens.

As the German invasion continued, Marshal Edward Rydz-Śmigły moved the Polish Army headquarters from Warsaw to Brest-Litovsk.

Seeking to take advantage of Germany’s apparent focus on Poland in the east, France today attacked Germany’s western border in the Saarland region, where German defences are viewed as at their weakest.

Founder, owner and developer of WW2 Daily.

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